on my understanding, this topic has helped to broaden my perspective of how
organizations use communication in an ever-changing world. What I would like to explain is what I intend
to do with the information that I learned on this topic.
of all, I learned about my own personal conflict management style. I took a self-assessment to analyze how I
deal with conflict. My unique style is
strongest in a collaborating way, like a wise owl. My belief is that two people working together
can produce better answers and solutions than either can produce on their own
individually. The next strongest is my
competing and compromising features. What
I learned about myself is that I have learned and grown tremendously throughout
the years as I used to avoid and accommodate conflict. Whereas now, I hit it
head-on using a proactive approach.
Next, my observation of an organization by just watching people, their interactions with others as well as with customers, and not being preoccupied with my own transaction or involvement within was an eye-opening experience as well. Oftentimes, we miss the obvious because we are so wrapped up in our own little world that we miss details. This opened my eyes for me to see what is actually happening behind the scenes so to speak. It led me to reflect upon my own work experience and wonder what my customers might be observing as they wait for their tour, or a potential interviewee waits and watches before her interview. What might they have learned about us just by observing? Did we portray a family cultural atmosphere? Were we caring enough and respectful of their time? Did they hear any negative comments while waiting? Conducting this observation has helped me to look at this from an entirely different perspective from the customer’s point of view. It also helped me to choose and associate the style of classical theorists from the text with what I actually observed, which was a real-life experience.
Last but not least, I want to share some of my experience cooperate with this one organization at Kuching for our consultation program. We build such a good relationship and do understand each other better day by day before and after the program finish. It is hard for me to approach this organization only because for the need of assignments but thanks God for hear my prayer they lastly accept our application to do program " Work life Balance" at their organization in counselling perspective. It such a amazing journey to under better and to have better knowledge and skills how to communicate with people who has great position and experience like them. We glad that we have the opportunity to share with people and change our mindset that communication is important so that what we want can really achieved and our information deliver well.
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